
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Smartphone Pictures Pose Privacy Risks

Smartphone Pictures Pose Privacy Risks - Facts

Warning if you take photos with your cell phone of your kids, grand kids, elderly family members --
This is truly alarming - please take the time to watch this video, AND TAKE THE RECOMMENDED PRECAUTIONS. At the end they'll tell you how to set your phone so you don't run this risk!
PLEASE PASS THIS INFO TO ANYONE YOU KNOW WHO TAKES PICTURES WITH THEIR CELL OR SMART PHONE AND POSTS THEM ONLINE. Be sure to share with all your family and friends. This is important info, about what your posting pictures/info on your cell phones can do TO YOU!!! Too much technology out there these days so beware...........

I had no idea this could happen from taking pictures on the blackberry or cell phone. It's scary.


The Solution:

To avoid this risk, one can disable the Geotagging feature on their smartphone and digital cameras. From reference section below, you can learn how to do it in various smartphone devices. Instead, you can use Exif metadata editor to change/remove the location information associated with your pictures. Also, you can save your pictures in a format that does not support Exif metadata. But unlike what is warned, some social media sites like Facebook and Twitter in fact automatically delete the location data from the uploaded pictures. Google+ and Instagram do not delete this location information automatically, but provide an option of hiding it.

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